ITC 2023
June 6-8, 2023
The fourth
Information-Theoretic Cryptography (ITC)
conference will take place on June 6-8, 2023 at the Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
It will be co-located with the
TPMPC 2023 workshop.
Remote attendance: The conference zoom link can be found here.
Proceedings: The preliminary version is accessible here.
We thank
for their generous sponsorship.
Code of Conduct
The ITC 2023 Organizers are committed to providing a conference experience free of harassment and discrimination, respecting the dignity of every participant. All participants are expected to abide by the
Aarhus University code of conduct.
If you experience harassment or discriminatory behavior at ITC 2023, we encourage you to reach out to any of the Local Organizers or designated members of the Code of Conduct Team:
Katharina Boudgoust (,
Peter Scholl (, and
Malene B.B. Andersen (
Any action taken by the organizers in this regard, will be with the consent of the complaining party.
Important Dates
Paper submission: Feb 6, 2023   Feb 8, 2023 (11:59pm UTC)
Paper acceptance notification: April 17, 2023
Conference: June 6-8, 2023
Confirmed Spotlight Speakers:
Ivan Damgård (Aarhus University): on the history of information-theoretic MPC
Sidharth Jaggi (University of Bristol): on communication in the presence of adversarial jamming
Mohammad Mahmoody (University of Virginia): on adversarially robust machine learning, a cryptographic perspective
Siyao Guo (NYU Shanghai): on time-space tradeoffs for cryptography
Ron Rothblum (Technion): on interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) and SNARGs
Geoffroy Couteau (CNRS): on correlated pseudorandomness
Conference Organization
Program Chair: Kai-Min Chung (Academia Sinica)
Local Organization Committee: Ivan Damgård (chair), Yashvanth Kondi, Divya Ravi, Malene Bisgaard (Aarhus University)
Program Committee:
Divesh Aggarwal (National University of Singapore)
Prabhanjan Ananth (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Jeremiah Blocki (Purdue University)
Amos Beimel (Ben Gurion University)
Rawad Bitar (Technical University of Munich)
Mahdi Cheraghchi (University of Michigan Ann Arbor)
Albert Cheu (Georgetown University)
Suhas Diggavi (University of California, Los Angeles)
Wei-Kai Lin (Northeastern University)
Qipeng Liu (Simons Institute)
Xiao Liang (Rice University)
Russell W. F. Lai (Aalto University)
Saeed Mahloujifar (Princeton University)
Maciej Obremski (National University of Singapore)
Vinod M. Prabhakaran (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky (Ariel University)
Lior Rotem (Stanford University)
João Ribeiro (New University of Lisbon)
Noga Ron-Zewi (University of Haifa)
Salim El Rouayheb (Rutgers University)
Sruthi Sekar (University of California, Berkeley)
Kevin Yeo (Google NYC and Columbia University)
Takashi Yamakawa (NTT)
Yihan Zhang (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)